I am trying us an IF statement to populate text in a cell, based off value in previous cell.

edited 12/17/24 in Formulas and Functions

=IF(RPN@row > "400", "HIGH", IF(RPN@row < "150", "LOW", "MEDIUM"))

Based off the values, the text does not always populate correctly. Example - a value of 5 will come back as "HIGH". A value of 25 shows "MEDIUM". A value of 125 shows "LOW".

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think it might be becuase you've put the numbers in speech marks. The speech marks tell it to look for the exact wording. When using numbers you don't need them, so if you remove them on the 400 and 150 does that work?


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