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(Sumifs, Sumif or If ?)

Heath Sanders
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

=IF(AND(([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY()) > 90, ([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY()) < 180), "3-6 Mths", IF(AND(([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY())) > 210, ([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY() < 365), "7-12 Mths"))


Is there also a way to turn a cell, row into a color using functions ?


Thanks You



  • ricki
    ricki ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    yes, you can use the conditional formatiing


    In grid view you can set the color of the row by doing something like the following

    Click the conditional formatting button on the left (it looks like a table where each cell is a different color)

    Then you want to add a new rule. Set condition should be that this new field you created is one of the values in the if

    This format would be the background color you are looking for

    and you would use entire row to change the row that color or click on it to change a specific field

    If you are also using card view then you will need a separate rule for the banding of the card




  • ricki
    ricki ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could also use "custom criteria" on a specific field to get in the ranges and inequalities but you would need a field to at least tell you number of days or a field with the full formula as mentioned before

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