Formulas and Functions

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Possible to create a checkbox is cell is not blank Otherwise make cell blank

I would like to have a cell either be blank or have a checkbox if another cell is blank/notblank.

Basically I want to have something like:

=IF(ISNOTBLANK(Monday@row) = Create Check box

Otherwise leave cell blank.

Is this possible?


  • Community Champion

    Columns that are formatted as checkbox columns will show either a blank or checked box.

    You can check or uncheck that box based on an IF statement. But you cannot make the cell blank and no longer contain the check box.

    However, there is a workaround to make it appear like there is no box. To do that, in the situation where you want the checkbox to vanish, return something like a period from your IF formula.

    Make the text color for the cell the same as the background color for the column (or do this with conditional formatting so the text color only changes if the cell contains just the period). If the text and background color are the same, the period will then be invisible. Technically it is not blank, but it is invisible.

    This IF would return . if Monday@row is blank and 1 (which checks the box) if it is not.

    =IF(ISBLANK(Monday@row), ".", 1)

    If the cell if formatted to have a white background and white text, the period will not be visible.

    I hope that helps.

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