Using Sheet Summary to calculate tasks completed on time

I am struggling to find the right formula to use in the sheet summary to count the number of tasks completed on time.

For this scenario a task would be considered on time if the 'Finish Date' was on or before the 'Target Finish Date' and the 'Status' = 'Complete'. So essentially a two IF statement spanning three columns with potentially hundreds of rows.

Is this something that the Sheet Summary can handle?


  • Jesse G.
    Jesse G. ✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/02/25

    Hi Danial,
    I think I have a formula that should be able to do the trick. What I would recommend is to add a New Helper Column which says:

    =IF(AND([Finish Date]@row=<[Target Finish Date]@row,Status@row="Complete"),"Completed on time","Not on Time")

    In the sheet summary you can do a countif on "Completed on time" so that whould give:

    =COUNTIF([New Helper Column]:[New Helper Column],"Completed on time")

    This should count every row with the given criteria. Could you give this a try?

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