Auto Fill Formula is not working completely

So I am using the link and formula to auto fill a form. However, it is only going down to the 'Ending Date' field. It is not filling the remaining field in as outlined in the formula. Does anyone know if there is a limit on this? Thoughts?

="" + Make@row + "&Model=" + Model@row + "&License=" + License@row + "&BeginningDate=" + BeginningDate@row + "&EndingDate=" + EndingDate@row + "&TypeofContainer=" + TypeofContainer@row + "&SizeofContainer=" + SizeofContainer@row + "&Location=" + Location@row + "&SpacesNeeded=" + SpacesNeeded@row


  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas Community Champion

    There IS a 4,000 character limit for cells, but without knowing how long any of the fields you include are, it is tough to say whether that's causing the issue you're describing. Purely conjecture on my part, but I'm assuming that your beginning and ending date columns are type Date and the rest are type Text/Number. Shifting back and forth between column types might be causing it. Perhaps reorder your formula so the date fields are at the end? Also, if January 4 2025 is rendered as 1/4/2025 I would think the resulting slashes would be problematic for the URL. (Similarly, if any of the text fields have spaces or the like, you might have a problem with the URL once the formula is worked out.)

    Again, these are really just informed guesses on my part; I've not tested any of this. Good luck!

    If this answer resolves your question, please help the Community by marking it as an accepted answer. I'd also be grateful for your response - "Insightful"or "Awesome" reactions are much appreciated. Thanks!

  • I am not even close to the character limit for each cell. I did try and put the date fields at the end, but that didn't work. I will try the formatting of the date fields. Also, one of the fields is a drop down field, but all I am asking from the formula is the pull in the current date in the field. Maybe this just isn't going to work this way.

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