Combining formula

Hi, i need help with combining these two formulas
Formula 1 needs to overtake formula 2 if a date is recorded in "Kunde Bindingstid"

Formula 1
=IF([Kunde Bindingstid]@row = 0; >1; [Kunde Bindingstid]@row)

Formula 2
=IF([Type oppdrag]@row = "Tilkoblingshjelp"; [Mottatt Dato]@row + 14; IF([Type oppdrag]@row = "Grave frem rør til kunde"; [Mottatt Dato]@row + 28; IF([Type oppdrag]@row = "Inst. villaprosjekt FTTH"; [Mottatt Dato]@row + 28)))

What i want out of this formula is:
"kunde Bindingstid" to overwrite the date on "ferdig frist dato" tab


  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/09/25

    Hi @Lars Andre Hove. If you use =IF(ISDATE( then if its a date tell it to use formula 2, otherwise use formula one.

    So it'll be =IF(ISDATE([Kunde Bindingstid]@row), Formula 2, Formula 1)

    Assuming your two formulas work, it'll look something like this:

    =IF(ISDATE([Kunde Bindingstid]@row), IF([Opperta]@row = "Tilkoblingshjelp"; [Mottatt Dato]@row + 14; IF([Type oppdrag]@row = "Grave frem rør til kunde"; [Mottatt Dato]@row + 28; IF([Type oppdrag]@row = "Inst. villaprosjekt FTTH"; [Mottatt Dato]@row + 28))), IF([Kunde Bindingstid]@row = 0; >1; [Kunde Bindingstid]@row)

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