Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Using Countifs, but column name has 2 words + Count will not work if 2 Items Exist in same cell

I'm trying to count how many rows with "XYZ Weekly" in a column called "Item Type" that have "Open" in a column called "Status":

Item Type column has a Dropdown list: XYZ Weekly, ABC Daily, Agenda

Status column has a Dropdown list: Open, Closed, On-Hold

This is the formual I'm trying to use:

=COUNTIFS(Item Type:Item Type, "XYZ Weekly", Status:Status, "Open")

I get UNPARSABLE unless I rename the column to "ItemType" (removing the space, also from the formula)

Q1. Must I remove the space, I would prefer not too?

Also, the count does not work, if XYZ Weekly & Agenda are present in the same cell of "Item Type".

Q2. Is there a way to count if XYZ Weekly is present, regardless of any other content in the cell?

Thanks in advance for any assistance 😎

Best Answer


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @JamesS !

    When your columns have a space, format your formula with brackets around the column name. It would look like :

    =COUNTIFS([Item Type]:[Item Type], "XYZ Weekly", Status:Status, "Open")

    Because the dropdown in item type is multiselect, you will need to include HAS because the formula will need to look for one item among a list of items.

    I would try for your final formula:

    =COUNTIFS(HAS([Item Type]:[Item Type], "XYZ Weekly"), Status:Status, "Open")

    Hope this helps! Let me know if your column type is different than what I assumed and I can help accordingly fix the formula.

    Ashley Knight

    Lets Connect!

  • Hi @AKnight ,

    Solved the column with a space issue - thank you 😊

    But I'm getting error #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET when I use the following:

    =COUNTIFS(HAS([Item Type]:[Item Type], "GDS Weekly"), Status:Status, "Open")

    Any thoughts?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @JamesS !

    Sorry about that, I messed up the range at the beginning! I was rushing writing the formula between meetings. Try this instead:

    =COUNTIFS([Item Type]:[Item Type], HAS(@cell, "GDS Weekly), Status:Status, "Open")

    Ashley Knight

    Lets Connect!

  • Thanks @AKnight

    That work nicely 😊👍️

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