Formula that automatically updates status column

I have a project plan that I'd like to automatically update/change the status cell based on count if results for not started, in progress, and complete task counts. The formula I have so far is:

=IF(AND([Notes22]@row > 0, [Notes23]@row = 0, [Notes24]@row = 0), "Complete", IF([Notes23]@row > 0, "In Progress", "Not Started"))

The data type in the columns (Notes22 is Complete Count, Notes23 is In Progress Count, and Notes24 is Not Started Count) are the result of formulas (not numeric values directly inputted), could this be causing the issue? Please help!


  • dojones
    dojones ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's possible your formula is returning text instead of a value because of the way a formula is written. Try wrapping the Notes22, 23, 24 formulas in Value() to see if it helps.

  • LaDonna
    LaDonna ✭✭

    Thank you for responding. Unfortunately, it's still not working I've tried:

    =IF(AND(Notes22@row > 0, Notes23@row = 0, Notes24@row = 0), "Complete", IF(Notes23@row > 0, "In Progress", "Not Started"))

    =IF(AND(Notes22@row > 0, Notes23@row = 0, Notes24@row = 0), "Complete", IF(Notes23@row > 0, "In Progress", "Not Started"))

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