column formula error!!!

Hello and have a nice 2025!

I want to set up a column formula about completion progess. In 2 column one is called %complete , another is called Completion progress, for example I enter 50% on the column of %complete and I want the completion progress column to show me the progress bar immediately , I type the formula in the first box under completion progress column , and the formula are as follows

=IF([%complete]@row < 0.25, "Empty", IF([%complete ]@row < 0.5, "Quarter" , IF([%complete ]@row < 0.75, "HALF", IF([%complete ]@row < 1, "Three Quarter", IF([%complete ]@row = 1,"Full)))))

Unfortunately, It appears as #UNPARSEABLE , how can I fix it?

Thank you so much for your attention to my question!! Have a nice week!

Best Answer

  • Melissa Yamada
    Melissa Yamada ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @fruitandJelly

    Looked like you're missing a closing " after Full and you have extra space after the %complete on your [%complete]@row.

    =IF([%complete]@row < 0.25, "Empty", IF([%complete]@row < 0.5, "Quarter", IF([%complete]@row < 0.75, "Half", IF([%complete]@row < 1, "Three Quarter", IF([%complete]@row = 1, "Full")))))

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined


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