Column data shown in a row for a report

Good morning,

I have multiple proejct schedules that I need to filter to a summary report. But I need to take information that are in columns and show the information in rows for this summary. Is there is way I can do this without adding another sheet?


  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    Hi @Cmdeluca6

    There's not an easy way to do that and I assume you aren't using Control Center. One way you could do it though would be to add the fields as sheet summary fields off the right in the popout menu. Then cell link the schedule values into those fields. Then run a sheet summary report containing all the schedules.

    This would manual (sheet by sheet) but then when you do save as new on your template or however you are kicking off new schedules, the links would be there going forward and could be auto-added to your report if you have the report aiming at a workspace where all your schedules are held.

    Probably not the answer you were looking for but that would provide a rollup summary.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Thanks Matt.

    So I to pull the task name (row) and then task category (milestone)and the start and end dates from the the columns based upon that row.

    So I need to add each of those in the sheet summary?

    And then what formula would provide me the date that relates to the task name and milestone category?

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