Metric Widget contact list picture display issue

edited 01/13/25 in Smartsheet Basics

We have a contact list smartsheet and all my contacts show their picture:

When I make it a Metic Widget on a dashboard, M's picture does not display but the others do.

Does anyone have suggestions? I have already removed and replaced it with no luck.


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp Community Champion
    edited 01/14/25

    Hi @KColvin_civic1

    Is your sheet still showing the image of the M's picture?
    As I checked in Smartsheet, the account owner manages the profile image individually. Only you, as the account owner, can update or modify your profile picture through your account settings. (Exception: Update by Smarthsheet API)
    So, I guess the M person removed the profile image. Otherwise, someone with access to the M's user ID removed the profile image using the API.

    In the demo dashboard below, the 4th person's picture is shown upside down, as I changed the profile photo in the personal settings.

    I reverted the image so it is not upside down in the following published Dashboard.

    Note: API

    As I tested, only the Admin can change another's profile image.

    action = smartsheet_client.Users.add_profile_image(
    id, # user_id (int)
    '/content/JUNI.png', # file (string)
    'image/png' # file_type (string)

    The image shows the admin changed the image of another person.

    I got this error when I used a non-admin token.

    RROR:smartsheet.smartsheet:{"response": {"statusCode": 403, "reason": "Forbidden", "content": {"errorCode": 1004, "message": "You are not authorized to perform this action.", "refId": "5saii9"}}}

  • Thank you for your reply. If someone removed their picture (which I doubt they did), why would it still appear in the contact list an a regular smartsheet, then disappear in the widget?

  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp Community Champion

    This is a curious issue! 😅

    The sheet's contact list may display a cached image.

    I attempted to recreate the issue but couldn’t replicate it, suggesting it might be specific to your setup. Try republishing the dashboard, verifying M’s profile image, or contacting Smartsheet support for further assistance.