Join / Collect formula

Hi there -

Working on a formula to capture all people assigned in a column. Some contacts are duplicates. My formula is capturing all rows that Abby is assigned to, but I really just want to know if she is assigned at all. How can i adjust this formula to only capture Abby once, or will I need a helper column to do this? (and what would that look like…)


=JOIN(COLLECT({TESTPlan.LeadDesigner}, {TESTPlan.ProjectID}, [Text/Number]15, {TESTPlan.LeadDesigner}, <>""), "; ")


Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Abby Smith; Christina Johns; Christina Johns; Christina Johns;

Ideally, I would like this to just output Abby Smith; Christina Johns.


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