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Office Status Calendar

My company has been researching on how to track the status of the employees working in office. We created a sheet where each day of the week, not including weekends, is a dropdown column with the choices of:




We also use conditional formatting for each column where if it selection is IN OFFICE then the cell turns green, but it is such a hassle to keep putting each of until the end of the year.

The question we have been trying to answer is there a better and more refined way of tracking it.

Attached is a excel of what it sort of looks like, due trying to keep names and other information out.

Can someone look it over and give me some advice?


  • Community Champion
    edited 01/17/25

    Hi @ksandoval

    Unfortunately, Smartsheet does not support conditional formatting via API as yet.

    A solution I came up with is to create a sheet for each employee, vertically display the dates, add conditional formatting to the date column, and combine the sheets with a report, grouping them by date.

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    A sheet for an employee looks like this;

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    Formulas are;

    WEEKDAY Formula

    [WEEKDAY] =IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 1, "SUN", 
                  IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 2, "MON", 
                  IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 3, "TUE", 
                  IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 4, "WED", 
                  IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 5, "THU", 
                  IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 6, "FRI", 
                  IF(WEEKDAY(Date@row) = 7, "SAT")))))))

    Calendar Formula

    [Calendar] =RIGHT("0" + WEEKNUMBER(Date@row), 2) + "-" + WEEKDAY(Date@row) 
                 + CHAR(10) 
                 + WEEKDAY@row 
                 + CHAR(10) 
                 + IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 1, "JAN", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 2, "FEB", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 3, "MAR", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 4, "APR", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 5, "MAY", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 6, "JUN", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 7, "JUL", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 8, "AUG", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 9, "SEP", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 10, "OCT", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 11, "NOV", 
                   IF(MONTH(Date@row) = 12, "DEC", "")))))))))))) 
                 + CHAR(10) 
                 + RIGHT("0" + DAY(Date@row), 2)

    "=RIGHT("0" + WEEKNUMBER(Date@row), 2) + "-" + WEEKDAY(Date@row) " part sorts the rows when the Calendar value groups the report.

    You may want to add a filter to show part of the year, like Q1.


    The image below shows a report with 24 employee sheets.

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    As this article shows, the number of employees does not matter in a practical sense regarding the report's group capability. Still, the usability worsens as the number of employees on a report increases, inhibiting visibility over time.

    Site faviconGroup data to organize results in report builder | Smartsheet Learning Center

    To expand the groups when you load a report, make sure it has fewer than 2,500 rows that meet the report criteria. Smartsheet automatically collapses groups if your report has more than 2,500 rows. 

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