create a drop down menu from another smart sheet column

I have one smart sheet that is a data base of sorts of all my contacts and their info. This is called "Contact Master Sheet" One of the column's is called contact name.

I have another smart sheet called Opportunities/projects One of the columns in "Opportunities/projects" is labeled contact. I want to be able to click in that column's box and pick a contact from the smartsheet with my contact info.

What formula would I use to achieve this?


  • Cory Page
    Cory Page ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not sure if its what you're looking for but you could use the "Contact list" for the column properties. Then add the contacts there, it wont auto update if you add them from your dictionary sheet though thats been a request for some time now. But once you add the contacts you can use Vlookup or index/match to pull even more details in if you want.

  • Cory, are you talking about the "my smartsheet contacts" ?

  • Cory Page
    Cory Page ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, it works ok for most things but they are a pain to manage sometimes if you have a lot of contacts coming and going. I am pretty sure you can then use formula's to pull in other details so long as you dont have multiple contacts per cell.

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