Change cell color

Is there a way to make a cell change colors when the amount in it isn't equal to another specific cell?


  • AKnight
    AKnight ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Gina G!

    I would create a helper column that is a checkbox column type, then a column formula that is:

    =IF([Column A]@row=[Column B]@row, 0, 1)

    • Changing the column A and B names to the columns that should be equal to each other.

    The resulting formula will show check marks where rows have cells that aren't equal to the corresponding other cell. You can then use conditional formatting based around your new helper column where when the helper column is checked, highlight the column that has the appropriate cell.

    Sorry if this sounds ambiguous, but without specifics it is hard to give a direct answer.

    Hope this helps!

    Ashley Knight

    Lets Connect!

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