Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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COUNTIF 2 Ranges

I am getting a #INCORRECTARGUMENT on this, what did I do wrong?

=COUNTIFS({Range 4}, "xxx", {Range 7}, "xxx")



  • ✭✭✭✭


    I tried your formula in a test sheet, and it looks like your syntax is correct. So, I am guessing that the issue has to do with your ranges or criteria themselves.

    Some things to check:

    Are the cross sheet references set up properly? Make sure that the ranges are the same size, ex. both are looking at a whole column. It will also not work if the two ranges are referencing different sheets, so make sure either both reference the current sheet or both reference the same other sheet.

    Data types of the ranges you are searching- if the column is not a text/number data type, the criterion of "value" might not work the way you need it to.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

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