Can an INDEX(MATCH) formula be built dynamically using @row data?

I am trying to build an INDEX(MATCH) formula in one column based on data in another column. I can work around this by using a huge IF statement but that exceeds the single cell capacity for a formula. Here is the basic formula:

INDEX({Cap - Week 1}, MATCH([CP-Key]@row, {Capacity - CP Key}, 0)

  • The "Cap - Week 1" is the dynamic part, specifically the number 1, possible values that may exist in the other column are 1 - 52 (the week # of the year).
  • How can I pull the @ROW value (1 - 52) and stick it into the INDEX formula so it looks like:
    • INDEX({Cap - Week 1}, MATCH . . .
    • INDEX({Cap - Week 2}, MATCH . . .
    • INDEX({Cap - Week 3}, MATCH . . .


Andrew B. Boston

Best Answer

  • Andrew B. Boston
    Answer ✓

    Hello again, just wanted to update you that your idea worked! Thanks very much. When reading the INDEX(MATCH()) description & samples, I wasn't picking up on how the optional [column_index] worked, I think more advanced examples would be greatly helpful.

    Thanks again,

    Andrew B. Boston


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You can't, but what you can do is reference all 52 week columns in a single reference then use some sort of cell reference to indicate which column number to pull from.

    =INDEX({Cap - All 52 Weeks}, MATCH([CP-Key]@row, {Capacity - CP Key}, 0), [Column Number]@row)

  • Hi Paul, thanks for the reply. It may work, but I need your help to better understand the solution. Are you suggesting that in "Manage References" I create a single relationship that includes the range of all 52 columns (all 52 weeks) and then tell the formula which column to pull back (like the VLOOKUP does)? Right now, I have 52 different relationships and refer to them separately. Please confirm.

    Thanks very much.

    Andrew B. Boston

  • Andrew B. Boston
    Answer ✓

    Hello again, just wanted to update you that your idea worked! Thanks very much. When reading the INDEX(MATCH()) description & samples, I wasn't picking up on how the optional [column_index] worked, I think more advanced examples would be greatly helpful.

    Thanks again,

    Andrew B. Boston

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