Project tracker sheet

I have a project tracking sheet (600 rows) that spans four years and each year is the parent row to all of the projects within that year. I sort the rows by date complete, which takes those rows to the top of the sheet. For the year 2024, half of the year are child rows to 2024 when I initially set the sheet up. How do I get the rest of the completed projects for 2024 under the 2024 parent rows. The sort feature seems to exclude all child rows.


  • Paul.Woodward
    Paul.Woodward ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello, CDE_OSS.

    I want to make sure I understand. You have a sheet with a lot of data under each parent cell. When you sort the rows, by date complete, It kind of throws everything off. Seems like some of the child cells, our coming out from underneath the parent cell?

    If so, I would double and triple check the date of the projects that are under the parent cell. It might be pulling the date of the actual child cell vs the last day of the parent row. So, if the parent row says 1/1/24 - 12/31/24, but your child cell says ending date of 6/30/24, it is going to pull that child cell above because the ending date is prior to the parent cell of 12/31/24.

    What I did was create a report from that sheet, and then you can group them by years, and then summarize year/sort beneath that parent cell.

    Hope this helps, and let me know if I can assist any further!

    CDE_OSS ✭✭

    For 2024, all projects are children under the parent row 1/1/24. I set this sheet up in the middle of 2024 and now that the year is over, I want the remainder of projects finished in 2024 (in red) to live under the 1/1/24 parent row.

  • PeggyLang
    PeggyLang ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @CDE_OSS Move the row where 'Date Started' = 01/07/25 below the row where 'Date Started' = 01/01/24.

    CDE_OSS ✭✭

    But there are 89 other rows I would have to move.