Stacked bar chart help

I am trying to create a stacked chart that shows the number of studies started per quarter using the baseline start column as a reference and sorted by the 5 existing categories as shown in image 1. Image 2 is an example of the data source I would be using. Is this possible, and if so could I please get some assistance. Thank you!


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    I would suggest using a second sheet. The quarters would be listed down the rows in one column and the categories would be their own columns.

    Quarters……….Cat 1………..Cat 2……….Cat 3

    Q1 24

    Q2 24

    Q3 24

    Q4 24

    Q1 25

    You would then use a COUNTIFS with cross sheet references to count how many rows have the corresponding Category and Quarter.

    =COUNTIFS({Source Sheet Category}, @cell = "Category 1", {Source Sheet Quarters}, @cell = Quarters@row)