#Invalid Data Type issue


I have a sheet that is calculating completed projects YTD for each Project Manager. I have used the following sheet summary formula for 6 PMs, and it seems to work correctly, but when I used it for the 7th PM it gives me the #INVALID DATA TYPE error. I can't figure out what the difference is. Below are the two formulas. What am I missing?? I can't figure out why it would throw the error on just one.

working formula:

=COUNTIFS([Project Manager]:[Project Manager], "Amanda Thom", [Project Status]:[Project Status], "Complete", [Due Date]:[Due Date], YEAR(@cell ) = YEAR(TODAY()))


=COUNTIFS([Project Manager]:[Project Manager], "Many Wyatt", [Project Status]:[Project Status], "Complete", [Due Date]:[Due Date], YEAR(@cell ) = YEAR(TODAY()))


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