Help with If then else with a series of cells

I need the formula to check cell A. If it is not blank return cell A, if it is blank check cell B. If cell B is not blank return cell B. If cell B is blank, return cell C. I keep getting UNPARSABLE. Any suggestions??

=IF(NOTBLANK([Cell A]@row), [Cell A]@row),(IF(NOTBLANK([Cell B]@row), [Cell B]@row, [Cell C]@row)

Thank you!!!

Best Answer


  • JacquiM
    JacquiM ✭✭✭

    I also tried the formula below and got it to return Cell A and Cell B correctly, but won't return Cell C if both A & B are blank.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Cell A]@row), [Cell B]@row, IF(ISBLANK([Cell B]@row), [Cell C]@row, [Cell A]@row))

  • JacquiM
    JacquiM ✭✭✭

    Nothing returned in formula column when only column C has a date???

  • @JacquiM It took a bit of time, but I figured it out! Before entering in the formula make sure that you have the following column types setup:

    Formula Column - must be setup as a date type, but do not toggle the button that says "Date Type Only" since you need to enter a formula in here. Your setting should look like the following:

    Then for your remaining "date" columns they can be "restrict to dates only" or not. I would advise that if you only want date information there that you select "restrict to dates only."

    Below is the table I setup and then the formula I used (click on the image to enlarge):

    I hope this helps!

  • Brian Wilson DC
    Brian Wilson DC ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @JacquiM My tagging appears to not work in long posts. Above should be the answer you need! Please let me know if you need any more help!

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