Is there a formula to update the status based off the % complete?

i.e % Complete is = to 0% then Status should equal not started, if % complete is > 0%, then status should be In Progress, if % complete is = to 100% then the status should equal Complete

Best Answer

  • Isis Taylor
    Isis Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Deb Wardlaw Try this,

    =IF([% Complete]@row = 0, "Not Started", IF([% Complete]@row = 100, "Complete", IF([% Complete]@row > 0, "In Progress")))

    Isis Taylor

    🎓️ Core App and Project Management Certified 🏅

    🌟Peer Connect, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter Program

    Business Analyst Senior


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