Trying to create a summary of data from another sheet

Craig Lemberger
Craig Lemberger ✭✭✭✭
edited 01/19/25 in Formulas and Functions

Hello All,

I have a main sheet, and I want another sheet to read it's data and when conditions are met, click a box. I had wanted it to read a specific date range, but that made it too specific to a year and would have to be changed the following year.

The formula below, won't work; ideally I would want a range of months like greater than and equal to April and less than and equal to May,

=IF(AND({Client Name (RH)}=[Client Name]@row, {Month}<= 5), 1, ""))

Also I was trying it another way and it is just missing it! Those damn parenthesis are the bane of my existence :)

IF(AND({#Rose Fert.} = "first", MATCH([Client Name]@row, {Client Name (RH)}), 1, ""))

Best Answer

  • Craig Lemberger
    Craig Lemberger ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Melissa, I had a pro session this morning, and you were right on. Here is what he came up with:

    IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({RF#1}, {Client Name RH}, [Client Name]@row, {#Rose Fert.}, "First"), 1), 0)

    Thank you again!


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