Countifs return 0 out of nowhere


I have several sheets where I use Countifs using a referenced sheet and they were working fine until recently that now return 0. I tried remove a reference and then redo it and it still returned zero. My guess is that there is something going on with smartsheet itself. Here's an example of the countifs that used to work fine and won't:

=COUNTIFS({AC-2B_Completness}, Status@row, {BU_Completness}, BU@row, {Phase_Completness}, Phase@row)


  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    Your formula looks fine, but that would make sense if it were previously working. Is it possible something changed in your source sheet? If it is populated by formulas or data shuttle, there is always the possibility of some datatype confusion… number/text, date/text. You can try splitting up the conditions to see if any single one is causing the issue:

    =COUNTIFS({AC-2B_Completness}, Status@row)

    =COUNTIFS({BU_Completness}, BU@row)

    =COUNTIFS({Phase_Completness}, Phase@row)

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