Check box formula

I am trying to count the # of checkboxes that are checked, when the "task name" contains a certain word. I am using the items in the task name column as the criteria to be counted. So, if "ADA Site Scope" or "Pathway Lighting" is checked off I want to count just those boxes.

I have tried:

=COUNTIF(Completed2:Completed812, 1)

but this counts all the checkboxes in the completed column

Also tried:

=COUNTIFS(Completed2:Completed812, 1, [Task Name1:Task Name812], "ADA")

but this is unparseable

Also tried to add the entire task name:

=COUNTIFS(Completed2:Completed812, 1, [Task Name1:Task Name812], "ADA Site Scope")

None of these have worked!

What would be the correct formula?



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