V Look Up or Index Collect

Hi I am trying to create a formula where I reference the sheet " A2 -Jon Lukason" to collect all the NO answers in the audio sheet NO sheet so I can collect everyone's availability in one place and not have to reference multiple sheets.

I am still kind of green with this so hoping a super smart Smartsheet user can help me write this formula and would you do V Look Up or Index Collect? Thank you in advance!


  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 Community Champion

    A way I can see to do it would be to create a column in the 'A2 - Jon Lukason' sheet that says "NO" and the formula would be: =IF("[Yes or No]@row = "NO", Whatever information you are looking to join together. Then reference that column in your 'Audio Sheet No Tracker'. Does that make sense?

    If you want to walk thru it together, so you can provide me more details on what is going on, feel free to throw some time on my calendar (Link in my signature). Happy to help!

    Michelle Choate


    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here: https://calendly.com/michelle-choate

  • BrookeDawn
    BrookeDawn ✭✭✭

    Thanks Michelle! I will look at your calendar, trying to follow the workflow and I am pretty green so if you have 15 minutes that would be epic.

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