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Group rows together for the same Report#

James Niven
James Niven ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Is there are way to group rows together if the same report # shows under the Report# column multiple times?

Lets say the Department of Transportation stop one of our vehicles for a truck inspection and they find a number of violations. A report # is generated on the report they send our company and it may have 3 to 4 different violations if any are found by the inspector.

In smartsheet we have entered this data into 4 rows with the same report # if there are 4 violations found. Over in one column we want to count the number of unique violations but not count every multiple violations. We have been adding "Yes" for the initial first row, then "No" for the remainder, the Yes/No part is entered manually and is prone to error, this is where the grouping of some type would come into play.

Any ideas?


I hope this makes sense...



  • Hi James,

    Are you counting the number of reports or the number of violations? For example:

    Report 1 = 1 violation

    Report 2 = 2 violations

    Report 3 = 2 violations

    Is the total count you're looking for 5 (total violations) or 3 (reports with violations)? That will help with the type of calculation (and you may need to set up the report a bit different). 



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