Owner not able to open newly created worksheets

I just created a new worksheet, where I am the owner of a workspace, and I'm getting this error below.

Anyone know why?

Best Answer

  • Darren Mullen
    Darren Mullen Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Mariann Carmen

    It's not you, It's a Smartsheet glitch. I've seen this happen more than once to me in the last few months. Today there was a reported issue for this.

    Past IncidentsJan 23, 2025Unable to Open Newly Created AssetsResolved - We received some customer reports of permissions errors after creating new assets between 1:12pm to 2:33pm. The errors are no longer occurring, and we are monitoring the stability of the application.
    Jan 23, 14:39 PSTUpdate - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
    Jan 23, 13:36 PSTInvestigating - We received some customer reports of permissions errors after creating new assets between (Entertimeframe) Pacific Time. The errors are no longer occurring, and we are monitoring the stability of the application
    Jan 23, 13:36 PST


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