Automation to Send Email to External Email Addresses?

I sent up an unrestricted automation for external users to fill out a form to submit a delivery appointment to a certain facility of ours. Then when you enter the confirmed time for that appointment, it is set up to send an automated email to that contact based on the email they provide in the form. I've tested this on several occasions with users internal to my company. However, when I tested it with external email addresses, the automation did not work for some reason. Does anyone know why?


  • Isis Taylor
    Isis Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @dlewsaz You may want to check with your System Admin to see if they have restricted that for the organization. That was the case for me.

    Isis Taylor

    🎓️ Core App and Project Management Certified 🏅

    🌟Peer Connect, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter Program

    Business Analyst Senior

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