Dashboard setup


I am trying to create a dashboard for my team. I have the template (see below) that I want to use, but I don't know how to move it over the workspace where the sheet is so they can all be in one place. Then, I need help gathering the information and entering it into the calculation dashboard. I need help overall to understand what I am doing entirely.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You should be able to just click and drag the dashboard into the appropriate workspace. From there it is a multi-part setup, but I don't see anything too crazy that can't be explained here.

    Top left looks like probably a title widget.

    Top right looks like an image widget.

    "Project Information" section looks like a single metrics widget and selecting the appropriate cells from the parent row in the Project Plan.

    "Tasks by Status" would be a report that pulls in all tasks from the project plan, is Grouped by Status, then has a Summary feature in the report to output the Count of each status. This report would then be used to create the Chart Widget.

    "Project Name" is also going to be a metrics widget, and it looks like it resides in one of the Sheet Summary fields. If you have a different structure, you could turn this into a Free Text widget to maintain the title bar and then manually enter the Project Name.

    The Project Contacts also looks like a metrics widget but could also be set p as a Free Text widget depending on your exact structure.

    The links are a basic Shortcut widget.

    The last two pieces at the bottom are standard reports filtered to show only rows that meet the criteria (at risk is flagged or duration is zero).

  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks! I am new to creating Dashboards, so this helps. Do you know of any specific SmartSheet Dashboard trainings that I can attend? I dragged everything, but I still need help organizing the data on the Gantt chart.