Formula If range of rows status is checked

Hi. I want to use a formula to determine the status symbol when all rows in a certain range are checked complete.

Below is what I have right now, but it is not correct. I am new to SmartSheet ;)

=IF(Status2:Status5 = "true", "Green", "Gray")

Best Answer

  • Katy H
    Katy H Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Ah! I misread your initial question, please see two options below.

    If Status2 - Status5 are all child rows, an easy formula would be:

    =IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Status@row), 1) = COUNT(CHILDREN(Status@row)), "Green", "Gray")

    If however, they aren't child rows, this would be the formula to use to get a specific range.

    =IF(COUNTIF(Status2:Status5, 1) = COUNT(Status2:Status5), "Green", "Gray")

    Katy Hall

    Head of Product Management

    ILLA Canna



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