Creating Personal Dashboards from Team Data

I'm in the process of trying to create personalized dashboards for each team member from data that is collected via forms they submit to track their daily work. The goal is to have a dashboard for each team member to access that only they and their manager would be able to view their numbers from the total submitted by the team. I'm also hoping we would be able to add in some additional details so they can see their numbers based on each quarter of work (i.e. January to March).

It's my understanding that to make these dashboards private, there would need to be some kind of metrics report created to pull those numbers from the master sheets. However, I've been having challenges with the formulas to count the total numbers for each column and not just the number of times they've submitted something within that column. SUMIFs formulas haven't been cooperating and COUNTIFs will only count the number of submissions (not the total numbers within each column/category). Would someone be able to provide some more insight on this please?
