Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Count Values of X if Y is not the same for the other Xs



  • Helper Column works without the Submission Year! We are closer.

    If I left it like this

    =COUNTIFS([Advisor Name]:[Advisor Name], [Advisor Name]@row, [Meeting Number]:[Meeting Number], @cell = 1)

    Would not the Metrics Sheet formulas only count the 2024 occurrences since Submission Year is in those formulas?

    Formula for 2-4=COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({Advisor Namex}, {Submission Yearx}, @cell = 2024, {Meeting 1 Helper}, @cell >= 2, {Meeting 1 Helper}, @cell >= 4)))

    Formula for > 4=COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({Advisor Namex}, {Submission Yearx}, @cell = 2024, {Meeting 1 Helper}, @cell > 4)))

  • It's all working! I works if leave out Submission Year in Helper Column, then just count the 2024's in the Metrics Sheet!

    You are awesome Carson!

    Thanks for your patience with this. Lisa

  • Community Champion

    Sometimes it takes a few tries, I'm glad it's working! 👍

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