ISBLANK Question

I have a column formula which deducts 7 from another date field. I however want an override and so if the ACTUAL date is populated, to use that date. I receive an error saying invalid argument.
=ISBLANK([Actual ship date]@row,[Delivery Date]@row- 7, [Actual ship date]@row)

Best Answer

  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @wayneFor,

    I think you are just missing the IF statement required at the beginning of your formula and we also need to close the ISBLANK function.

    I believe you are looking to ask IF [Actual Ship Date] is blank then show [Delivery Date] minus 7 days, else [Actual Ship Date]. If so I think the formula below should be useful to you.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Actual Ship Date]@row), [Delivery Date]@row - 7, [Actual Ship Date]@row)

    I hope that is helpful in someway,



  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @wayneFor,

    I think you are just missing the IF statement required at the beginning of your formula and we also need to close the ISBLANK function.

    I believe you are looking to ask IF [Actual Ship Date] is blank then show [Delivery Date] minus 7 days, else [Actual Ship Date]. If so I think the formula below should be useful to you.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Actual Ship Date]@row), [Delivery Date]@row - 7, [Actual Ship Date]@row)

    I hope that is helpful in someway,


  • Thank you. I messed up the parenthesis. Thanks for your help

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