Generating auto-number based on the value in another column

edited 01/29/25 in Formulas and Functions

Hi Team,
I working on one of requirements where I need to have a sequential auto number generated with a specific format in Column A when there is a value exists in Column B. For example , I have 2 columns Requisition Number and Total Cost and when i have value in Total Cost column, auto number should generate in Requisition column Could you please help me how to solve this scenario with helper column and with column formulae applied to it.
Attached the reference example to show how the data should look like:


  • L J
    L J ✭✭

    Is it necessary for the Auto-number to be sequential? Or would it be okay to use the Row Number, or other Unique #?

    For example, you could have a Unique # field that is an Auto-Number (with desired number of leading zeros), and then your Requisition Number field uses that value, e.g.

    =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Total Cost]@row)), "MSPO" + [Unique #]@row)
    This would return MSPO00001, MSPO00004, MSPO00007, and ensure that the number is consistent if new rows are added in between.

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