Import Individual Projects into the Project Management Office Template

I have multiple project management smartsheets generated for individual projects. I have reached a point where I need to take a portfolio approach. I want to start using the Project Management Office template. Is there a way to link or import my existing project smartsheets into the Project Management Office template?


  • Stefan
    Stefan Community Champion

    Hello @RMForlenza,

    I assume, that your project sheets all have the same structure and differences are only individual project tasks and data, correct?

    If this is the case, then I recommend downloading the "Project Management Office template" and get to know how it works. When you understand, then you will see, that cell links and/or cross sheet formulas are being used to collect data from the project sheet.

    Maybe you can use all of the template and cell link (or formula link) data from your projects in the same way it's done in the template.

    Hope this helps


    Smartsheet Consulting, Solution Building, Training and Support.

    Projects for Processes and for People.

  • Thank you for the input. I have familiarity with Microsoft Project, which could call in separate project files into a master project file. I was hoping the Smartsheet template had similar functionality and that since my projects used the Project Tracking template, I could call/link those smartsheets into the Project Management Office template.

  • Stefan
    Stefan Community Champion

    Hi @RMForlenza,

    whatever tool, linking/importing depends upon structures, naming and data type being the same in every project. I don't know how MsP does the trick, but as you are kind of starting a PMO I recommend learning how the sheets are interconnected in Smartsheet. This is valuable knowledge for advanced functionality and will be to your benefit for the PMO way.

    If you are looking for more automation, then check out Control Center and it's concepts:


    Hope this helps


    Smartsheet Consulting, Solution Building, Training and Support.

    Projects for Processes and for People.