Calculating number of days a task is overdue

Ollie Gray
edited 01/29/25 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to calculate the number of days a tasks is overdue. If the task has been completed, I would like it to be blank or return a "0". Here is the formula that I have tried and it returns unparseable

=IF(AND([Finish Date]@row < TODAY(), % Complete@row = "100"), "0", IF(AND([Finish Date]@row >= TODAY(), OR(% Complete@row = "<100"), "+" + ABS(TODAY() - [Finish Date]@row), TODAY() - [Finish Date]@row))


  • =IF(AND([% Complete]@row <> 1, [Finish Date]@row < TODAY()), TODAY() - [Finish Date]@row, "")

    1. Make sure you have brackets around the % Complete if there is a space between % and Complete (in no space it does not matter: [% Complete]@row
    2. If the Finish Date cell is not populated you will get #INVALID OPERATION, you can fix this by placing IFERROR( after the = sign at the beginning and ,"" after the last parenthesis (see formula below):

    =IFERROR(IF(AND([%Complete]@row <> 1, [Finish Date]@row < TODAY()), TODAY() - [Finish Date]@row, ""), "")

    Let me know if this does not work.

    Jason Miller

    Smartsheet Developer, Consultant, & Solutions Engineer

    (614) 571-9069

  • I made a change, and it is only returning a "0" even if the task is not completed

    =IF(OR([Finish Date]@row < TODAY(), [% Complete]@row = "1"), "0", IF(AND([Finish Date]@row >= TODAY(), OR([% Complete]@row = "<1"), "+" + ABS(TODAY() - [Finish Date]@row), TODAY() - [Finish Date]@row)))

  • Still trying to get this to work Here is a screen shot of the sheet

    here is the formula that is unparseable.

    =IF(OR([% Complete]@row = 1), 0, IF(AND(OR([% Complete]@row = <1, ), [Due Date]@row > TODAY()), "+" + ABS(TODAY() - [Due Date]@row), TODAY() - [Due Date]@row))

  • Double check the column type is text (just to be safe). This simplified version should work, just copy and paste this in:

    =IFERROR(IF(AND([% Complete]@row <> 1, [Due Date]@row < TODAY()), TODAY() - [Due Date]@row, ""), "")

    The IFERROR statement should take care of the #UNPARSEBLE error, which may be happening if % Complete is blank. You can try changing it blanks to "0" if the IFERROR formula does not fix it.

    Jason Miller

    Smartsheet Developer, Consultant, & Solutions Engineer

    (614) 571-9069

  • it is still calculating overdue days on completed tasks

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