Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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How do I make the following formula time bound and not just "after 2024, 1, 1?

=COUNTIFS({Created}, >=DATE(2024, 1, 1), {Physician Process SOAR 1.0 Range 1}, [Visit Type 2024]@row, {Physician Process SOAR CFT NAME}, CONTAINS("Boomer, Mark", @cell))

Hello all,

Need group think/help here. The above formula calculates for me the number I need after creation date of (2024, 1, 1) which was great when I look at year to date in 2024, however now that we are in 2025, I need the formula to only count those numbers between (2024, 1, 1) AND (, 1, 1). Help! Thank you!



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