Formula Multiple Parameters with Multi-Sheet Reference

I need to create a set of formulae using references to another sheet to:

  • 1). count the number of different types of reports due within the month of January, and
  • 2). the number of those reports delivered on time.

For the first formula I tried: COUNTIF({{Report Type}}, OR(@cell = "Report Type 1", @cell = "Report Type 2"), AND({Completed Due Date}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 1).

I have the on-time delivery being measured by a column formula measuring the NETWORKDAYS between the date due and the date sent to the client, so a cell = 1 is on time, <1 is ahead of schedule, >1 is late. I would need to reference this sheet with anything <2 being "On-Time."

When I try each formula individually, they work:

  • =COUNTIFS({Report Type}, OR(@cell = "Sample Analysis", @cell = "Sample Analysis Disc"))
  • =COUNTIF({Due Date}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 1)
  • =COUNTIF({Date Difference}, <2)

But putting them together with COUNTIFS like this:

=COUNTIFS({Report Type}, OR(@cell = "Sample Analysis", @cell = "Sample Analysis Disc"), AND({Due Date}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = 1), AND({Date Difference}, <2))

yields an #INVALIDDATATYPE error or #UNPARSEABLE error.

How would I build this formula?

Of note, I will need to expand this formula to pull from two difference sheets.

Thanks for the help!

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