Formulas and Functions

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Countif function looking for text string in a text/number column from a different sheet

Hi i am trying to perform a distinct count of account name, based on a text string lookup conditional on the progress/stage of the client.

i have tried using the HAS formula as this worked previously on a reference column of multi-drop down type, however it does not seem to be working on a text/number field.

I want distinct count of account name, where product name contains "Canada" (value in Label column cell), where sales pipeline stage = value per Sales Qualified cell.

=COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({Sales Pipeline Account}, {Sales Pipeline Prod Name}, HAS(@cell, $Label@row), {Sales Pipeline Stage}, [1 - Sales Qualified]$1)))

any help please



  • Community Champion

    Has searches for an exact match, vs Contains which will allow the search of a partial match.

    -HAS will only search for an exact match
    -CONTAINS will search for a partial match.

    For example, if you have "app" in any column type, and "apple" in a multi-select column, using the CONTAINS function searching for "app" will return both app and apple. To specifically search for "app", use HAS."

    If my answer helped you, please be sure to mark it as Accepted to help future learners locate the information.

    Always happy to work through questions or concerns!

  • Thansk Colleeen - can you share the formula construct i can use to add the CONTAINS function within a DISTINCT COUNT function as i cannot seem to get this to work either..

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