Automated Last Completed On Date with Advancing Next Due Date - Need row to copy to another sheet

I have task sheet of items that are completed on a monthly basis. The plan was to use one row to track the task, capture who completed the task and when, and auto populate the due date for the next month.

I created an automation so when the done box is checked, the last date completed on column would automatically populate, and used a formula (=[Last Completed On]@row+29) to populate the next due date. I scheduled an automation to copy the row to another sheet for historical reference, but it doesn't work. Is there a better way to do this? Should I use another trigger for the copy automation?

Here are my columns:

Here is the automation to copy the rows:


  • Georgie
    Georgie Employee

    Hi @Kendra Campbell,

    Having tested this, my copy row automation worked as expected - when my record a date automation was triggered, this caused an update in the Modified column, which triggered my copy row automation and copied the row to my history sheet.

    You could change the trigger to another column (eg “Last Completed On” or “Next Due Date”), but since this should work when triggered by the Modified column, I’d recommend trying the following:

    • Wait several minutes to see if the copy row workflow runs - sometimes automated workflows can have a slight delay.
    • Review the automation manager (open the sheet and click Automation > Manage Workflows) in the active sheet - this will show you when the workflow last ran. If it says it ran recently, check the Activity Log in the history sheet to see if you can see “Rows copied from another sheet” with the user listed as “Smartsheet automation on behalf of (user name)” - if that’s in the activity log, the rows will be somewhere in the history sheet: make sure you scroll all the way down and all the way to the right to find the copied data.
    • Is it possible that the workflow has been set up on a different sheet than the one where the changes that should be triggering the workflow are being made? You’ll find the automations in the same way as described above.

    Hope that helps!


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