SUMIFS with multiple criteria and date range

Hi, I am struggling in getting the following formula to work.

=SUMIFS({P-CARD Range 1}, {P-CARD Range 3}, AND(@cell>=DATE (2025, 1, 1), @cell<=(2025,12, 31)), {P-CARD Range 2}, [15]150)

Range 1 = is a column with dollar values.
Range 3 = is a column with date values.
Range 2 = is a column with specific classification codes. The specific classification code in this instance will be displayed as a static value in cell [15]150.

My issue:
I can not get the following date range syntax to work properly.

AND(@cell>=DATE (2025, 1, 1), @cell<=(2025,12, 31))


YEAR (2025)

I need it to pull data only within this date range or a specific year.

Any help is appreciated greatly.

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