Average of only particular selected cells

I'm trying to calculate the average of multiple parent cells in a column, not the whole column, but can't find the correct formula to use. (The parent cells are calculating averages based on other criteria.) TIA!

Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    edited 02/01/25 Answer ✓

    Instead of using the addition sign inside the AVG function, use commas.

    =AVG([Column 1]10, [Column 1]20, [Column 1]30)

    The way you currently have it written, it is going to add up all of the cells and try to average the result, but since there will only be one number, it will divide by 1 and you will end up with just a sum of the cells.


  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    edited 02/01/25 Answer ✓

    Instead of using the addition sign inside the AVG function, use commas.

    =AVG([Column 1]10, [Column 1]20, [Column 1]30)

    The way you currently have it written, it is going to add up all of the cells and try to average the result, but since there will only be one number, it will divide by 1 and you will end up with just a sum of the cells.

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