Drag a cell which cotain cross reference cell

Hi there….

I am using a budget sheet that collects the figures from multiple sheets. I am using the SUM function for each cell "SUM({Office-01 Rent}, {Office-02 Rent}, ……..)"

Is there a way to drag the first cell and automatically the cell reference is updated same as in excel?


  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh Community Champion

    Hi @Emad_MD

    Smartsheet does not support drag cell references as Excel, but you can use cell-link which allows you to drag the source cells.

    In case you want to sum across different sheets, you could use a helper column to cell-link the sheets in sequence, and then use a SUM function to add the columns up.

    Hope this helps.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email : thinh.huynh@giathinh.tech

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