Customize an auto number

I would like to know how to customize an auto number for a Smartsheet that I currently have. I would like to incorporate the Date, Business Unit, and the type of request. For example, (CAL-BU-QC-01022025). I have column created for each data input.


  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    hi @Sam.S,

    The best would be creat extra column (helper) that would be a formula column an the formula shall be sth like: =BusinessUnit@row+"-"+TypeofRequest@row+"-"+Date@row+"-"+AutoNumber@row etc. so this one columnw when you summ it all will be unique because of the AutuNumber column.

    Hope it helps

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

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  • Input Formula

    =RIGHT([Submission Date]@row, 8) + "-" + [Business Unit]@row + "-" + [Test Request]@row + "-" + COUNTIFS([Auto Number]:[Auto Number], @cell <= [Auto Number]@row)



    Desire Output



    I added CAL to the prefix of the Auto Number

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