How do I create multiple IF statements in a function

Here is my current formula for the column "Tech Setup Price"

=IF(AND([Tech/Set Up]@row = "yes", [Is the frame curved? ]@row = "Yes"), 650, IF(AND([Tech/Set Up]@row = "yes", [Is the frame curved? ]@row = "No"), 500, 0))

This does not include the below added variable of the Neo Modular System, so I want to add that variable. Basically, here is what I want:

$500 if tech set up is Yes and the frame is not curved

$650 if tech set up is Yes and EITHER the frame is curved OR the Frame Type is Neo Modular System

$0 if tech set up is No

Is this possible, or is this too much information for one function?



Best Answer

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    =IF(AND([Tech/Set Up]@row = "yes", OR([Is the frame curved? ]@row = "Yes", [Frame Type]@row = "Neo Modular System")), 650, IF(AND([Tech/Set Up]@row = "yes", [Is the frame curved? ]@row = "No"), 500, 0)

    See if this adjustment to your original formula works for you. All I did was add an OR Statement to your original AND statement.

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