IF(MAX(COLLECT formula issue


There's an issue in one of my sheets and I can't find what the error is, so I'm hoping somebody can help me please.

I have an electric meter submission sheet and a metrics sheet where the data goes into.

I have the below formula, which works perfectly for previous months, but 0 value displayed for the month of February.

  • {Value} - Meter Reading column
  • {Date} - Created column
  • {Meter} - Type column

=IF(MAX(COLLECT({Value}, {Date}, >=$[Month Start]@row, {Date}, <=$[Month End]@row, {Meter}, [Pitchside Meter 1]$1)) = 0, 0, MAX(COLLECT({Value}, {Date}, >=$[Month Start]@row, {Date}, <=$[Month End]@row, {Meter}, [Pitchside Meter 1]$1)))

I typed the formula again and checked the data input on the submission sheet all seems fine.

Please can you see if I missed something?

thanks so much in advance.

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