Formulas and Functions

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COUNTIFS for specific Months

edited 02/07/25 in Formulas and Functions

Hi All,

I have tried to read previous answer to similar questions but still just don't get it…. (excel is so much easier in some ways..)

So far I have this formula:

=COUNTIFS ({Push-In Job requests Range 2}, "Extrusion", {Push-In Job requests Range 3}, "Yes")

But I want to break it into Months based in the Date received field:

Can anyone help please?

Smartsheet still doesn't do Wildcards I guess * Feb * like excel?

Thank you in advance.


  • I am assuming your range: {Push-In Job requests Range 2} ="dept" column


    =COUNTIF({Push-In Job requests Range 2}, "Extrusion", {Push-In Job requests "date received" column}, <=DATE(2025, 02, 28), {Push-In Job requests "date received" column}, >=DATE(2025, 02, 1))

    Not sure if it works with your date like that though - "feb", might need to change it to 03/02/25 for the formula to work. Or ensure that it is a 'date' column.

  • Or did you want to sum the qty required if it is "extrusion" for the month of feb?

  • ✭✭✭

    I want a sum of job for say the Extrusion Dept, which were accepted (Yes), within each calendar month - so I understand I'll have to type manual dates in.

    Thank you

  • I think it could be:

    =SUMIFS([Qty Require]:[Qty Require], [Type]:[Type], "Extrusion", [Approved]:[Approved], "Yes", [Date]:[Date], AND(MONTH(@cell) = 2, YEAR(@cell) = 2025))

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