Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Pulling two different dates with COUNTIF

=COUNTIFS({Nominee's Work Location}, "Italy", {Award Type}, "Gift Card", {Authorized Date}, ">=DATE(2024, 12, 1)", {Authorized Date}, "<=DATE(2024, 12, 31)", {Authorized Date}, <>"") + COUNTIFS({Nominee's Work Location}, "Italy", {Award Type}, "<>Gift Card", {Payroll Date}, ">=DATE(2024, 12, 1)", {Payroll Date}, "<=DATE(2024, 12, 31)", {Payroll Date}, <>"")

I am stuck on this problem and would love to know how it can be fixed! I did various videos and cannot seem to crack it.

I am referencing by Location, Per Month. I need to know how many gift cards were authorized in Italy in the month of December 2024- For other awards, I need to know the payroll date for that same month. I am referencing from another sheet, and the sheet is corresponding to my formulas correctly but not giving correct data. Also, blank cells need to be ignored so I do not get an invalid response


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