Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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I need help making an at risk formula for the 2 percentage columns.


I am very new to smart sheets and am currently creating my first.

Can someone please help me use the above screen shots of the chosen symbols in a formula green being percentage complete is >or= to the percentage that should be complete, yellow being percentage complete is 1-25% < Percentage that should be completed, red being percentage complete is 26-100% < percentage that should be completed.

Hopefully that makes sense, I did attach a screenshot of my barebones smart sheet as I am just staring. Thank you!!


  • Community Champion

    Hi @MSELLS

    I wouldn't suggest using the selected Symbol set as it is used for decisions and denoted as Yes, Hold, and No. However, if you prefer using it, here's the formula you can use.

    =IF([Percentage Completed]@row >= [Percentage that should be complete]@row, "Yes", IF(1 - ABS(([Percentage Completed]@row - [Percentage that should be complete]@row) / [Percentage that should be complete]@row) > 0.25, "Hold", "No"))


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


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Check out the Formula Handbook template!

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